Aged Care Services
The Australian Government has streamlined referrals and information for aged care services into a central system – My Aged Care. This resource is accessible through a website or by calling the My Aged Care Contact Centre on 1800 200 422.
An assessment is initially conducted over the phone through the My Aged Care Contact Centre to determine what support is required and to identify options and eligibility. An in-home assessment may be required to gather further information and to ensure that clients’ needs will be met to ensure they are able to remain living at home and in the community safely. This information is maintained in the client’s private and confidential record.
A referral is then made to the most appropriate service provider. Clients and their care-givers are able to nominate a preferred service provider such as Longreach Home and Community Care Inc. Once a referral has been received, Longreach Home and Community Care staff will contact the client or care-giver to arrange commencement of services.
Longreach Home and Community Care Inc is an entry-level support at home service provider. The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) provides a range of services for older people who need assistance to keep living independently at home and in their community. The focus of CHSP services is to work with the consumer to continue to perform daily tasks independently for as long as possible, rather than doing the tasks for the consumer.
Following the Regional Assessment Service (RAS) eligibility for home support, the HACC Care Manager or Personal Care Worker, will meet with you to create a personalised home support plan to meet your unique needs. It will aim to maximise your independence and quality of life.
All CHSP consumers are expected to contribute towards the cost of the services they receive. The services are subsidized so the cost to the consumer is kept at an affordable level. A copy of the fee schedule is on our website.
Should the intitial screening identify that you have more complex healthcare needs, above the entry-level support service, you will be referred for an Aged Care Assessment (ACAT). There are four levels of Home Care Packages ( Levels 1 -4 ) that reflect the assessed needs of the person. 1 is the lowest and 4 being the highest.
The Home Care Packages Program is subsidized by the Commonwealth government according to the package level. The package consists of monthly subsidies paid to an approved provider, for the registered consumer. The consumer cannot access the funds themselves and must use the provider to arrange a service or purchase equipment that meets the person’s assessed care needs. Providers will offer monthly statements showing income, expenses and unspent balances.
In July 2025, all HCP consumers will transfer to the Support at Home program. Eligibility for access to the Support at Home program will be determined by a needs assessment. This assessment will determine individuals’ access to funded aged care services.
More information on the Support at Home program will be released in June 2024.
Disability Services
Referrals can currently be made by contacting My Aged Care directly or through a General Practitioner, Medical Specialist or other Healthcare Professional.
Home Assist Secure
Please contact our office directly