About Us

Longreach Home and Community Care Inc. evolved from the Longreach Voluntary Nurses Association which was established in the 1970’s. The not for profit organisation became an incorporated body in 1988 initially providing a Domiciliary Nursing Service, Home Help and Maintenance Service assisting eligible residents of the Longreach area up to a 10 Kilometre radius.

Jointly funded between the State and Federal Governments, Longreach Home and Community Care Inc. now provides a range of practical supports for the frail and aged, and their carers, which in turn helps these community members to remain living at home for as long as possible.

The wheelchair accessible facility provides a comfortable setting for indoor social group activities and is located directly behind the main street, within walking distance of shops and medical services. With two parks, the picturesque Thomson River and a choice of eateries, clients can enjoy a variety of outings as well as scheduled home visits and monitoring.

Longreach itself is located in central west Queensland with an approximate population of 3137 (ABS Census 2011). Situated 1,181 km North West of Brisbane and 687km West of Rockhampton, the outback town is a hub for rural medical services, agribusiness and tourism.

Home Care Package Fee-for-Service